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So You Want to Order a Custom… Let’s say you’ve browsing and, sure, what you’re seeing is great – but the thought keeps bubbling up: “You know what I’d really like…” What if we could make that happen? Does that grab your interest? Welcome to the world of customs, a magical land where YOU can pick the girl, how she’s dressed (or not), what she says, what she does… All of it. So if you’ve got an itch to scratch (and a money for a reasonable payment), we can bring your fantasies to life. But before you write a word of your script, here is advice to help us help you.

If you’re on this page, you have a good idea of what is all about. We feature the prettiest young women around, perhaps innocently trying on new panties or laying out topless for a tan. Or not so innocently, maybe they’re playing in bed with a friend, letting their fingers and tongues wander about… But you also should be able tell what we’re not about. Meaning, you have a MILF fantasy, for example, or want to see a girl tied up in a dungeon, we’re not the place to ask. And that’s OK! They do their things; we do ours. So when you are brainstorming your custom, please keep in mind what is.

A TNV or a NextDoorSins custom has two essential factors: the girl and the action. The first is self-explanatory, although we’ll take this moment to boast we’ll put our talent up against ANYONE. On the other side, the action is your preferred degree of explicitness. We mention these so we can mention this: Pick the make-or-break factor up front, because so much – the actress, the custom’s price, how soon you’ll receive the finished product – depends upon what you want. To explain, consider these two scenarios: You have the hots for Aften. (Great call! So do we!) You just want to see more of her, even if she’s just sitting on a couch, reading aloud from Chapter 23 of Moby Dick (“The Lee Shore”). You have a fantasy about tapping the sweet, sweet ass of your stepniece-in-law. (Well, what would you call your sibling’s stepdaughter?) To you, which girl is less important than the B/G action. In the first scenario, all that needs to be done, once you’ve paid, is for us to book Aften for a shoot. Easy peasy… unless she’s unavailable for a while, which does happen. If this is the case, if your heart is set on Aften, you’ll have to wait. (Sometimes, the wait will never end because girls drop out of the business – so it goes.) And in the second scenario, it’s just a fact of this industry that not every model is OK with getting down and dirty. We respect their wishes and would never force anything upon the unwilling. In this instance, you may have to wait until we line up a shoot with a girl who will “give her all,” if you know what we mean and I think you do. Also, it should go without saying that explicit acts will cost more. All of this is to say, if you can’t get what you want immediately, we thank you for your understanding and patience.

Say you can’t decide on a girl – a reasonable reaction BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL SO DAMN HOT. But you know what might help? Holding auditions! We want you to be happy with the final product, so we encourage you to take your time to get it right – and that might mean “screen tests” so you’re certain you’ve got the right girl. These auditions don’t have to be complex. We’ve done simple “interviews,” sitting a girl down in front of a camera and reading your questions to her, followed by a simple (but lovely) striptease. OTHER EXAMPLES?

Once you’ve cast your girl, it’s time to get a script together – but what does that mean? Well, like the content of the custom itself, it’s up to you! Sometimes, we’re given barely a paragraph explaining the set-up, and it’s left up to us to figure out how to execute that vision. Other people let loose their inner Kubrick, with pages of talking and stage directions. There is no wrong way to express what you want.

But please keep your custom manageable. That means no cast of thousands (but if you’re willing to pay for more girls, we’ll book them!) and no SFX, beyond our admittedly amateurish green screen.

Also, if there are details you think will really give your custom a little extra sumpin’ sumpin’, include them! Maybe it’s a certain outfit for her to wear, or you want her to use your name in the dialogue.

If you’ve been thinking about ordering a custom, we hope these tips will help you. And if you haven’t been thinking about ordering a custom, then maybe this will be motivation! You can contact us for more details.

Finally, don’t forget that after you receive your custom, we’ll eventually post it (either on the site or on so others may enjoy it. And that’s when you might experience a thrill even greater than seeing your fantasy come to life: seeing your fantasy become a critical and commercial success.



Hey I sent you guys some messages regarding Nicoles yoga video and info about some models. Thanks =)


I want more Stuff of Allison and River Lynn,please!


The Most Interresting Parts are Traide Bait,Humilation and the Castings.Also the Luber Driver Vids!


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More Zoe More Zoe More Zoe all the time


More Lily plz


Recreate SpongeBob hooky with zoe


Any chance you might make a vampire scene? Male/Female and/or Female/Female? I have a little neck fetish.